Unfortunately, after a great initial show of interest for the British Boring Car Championship Special Event Coches Aburridos en España, there have been a small amount of entries which have amounted to only 6 cars on the grid (three more with only one driver filling a seat).

In the interests of avoiding giving those involved and potential viewers a boring race (ironic, considering the series name) the event has been cancelled.
It was always going to be difficult to get spaces filled in fairness, as the car is very dull in appearance and sound, especially when given the task of racing it for three hours. It's a shame because actually driving it is really good fun and the racing it can produce is fantastic... either way, you don't know until you try.
Thanks to everyone that did enter and put their names forward - we had some great names on the list. Anyone that paid the £5 entry fee will be refunded in the coming days.