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Chazlington's 2019 Round Up (Part 2)
Part 2 of the my yearly round-up finds us in mid-June, after getting into the swing of things with Ben Palmer, Apex Racing Team and...

Chazlington's 2019 Round-up (Part 1)
2019 was a breakthrough year for me as a person, and Chazlington as a brand. So many things happened that I didn't expect - in a good way.

Chazlington Back on Comms for BSR MX-5s
It's exciting to be adding another broadcaster to the list of companies I've worked with, and learning a new piece of software.

Chazlington to Cover Simracersworldâ„¢ TCR Series in 2020
I am delighted to have been chosen by Simracersworldâ„¢ to be the exclusive broadcaster and commentator for Season 2 of their TCR Series!
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