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Moving On To Pastures New

Since August 2020, I've been part of the awesome Zansho Simsport squad, after joining them to potentially do a bit more racing, and be involved in a phenomenal network of people. I've competed in a couple of leagues wearing their colours, attempted to race in the Daytona 24 Hours (but all the massive server issues occured and put a stop in that), joined them for the incredibly fun VMO TCUK on rFactor 2, and even got a t-shirt along the way.

Unfortunately though, times change and people move on, and as such, I've made the decision to leave Zansho Simsport as a driver - I don't really do much driving anyway, and when I do, I don't feel it's at a competitive enough level to represent the team in anything worthwhile for them. The team has made even bigger leaps forward into huge Esports efforts with top brands, which is great to see, but unfortunately I'm unable to keep up.

I'd like to thank the guys for everything they've done to support my very little amount of racing, my commentary career and for the laughs we've had on games like Wreckfest and BeamNG. On top of that, I wish them all the best for their future endeavours. I won't be completely disappearing though, as I'm still in their Discord server and maintaining contact with some top friends I've made along the way.

Moving forward, I'll be doing my own thing. I'm not looking to join another team as my work life means I can't properly commit to much racing, but wouldn't mind trying to give a serious endurance race another crack some time, maybe as a guest driver or something.

I'm working on running my own little non-serious, fun team - basically having people run my colours if they're not already part of a team in a series I like the look of - but that's about it. Despite the fact it's for fun, I have sign-off from a brand to run their logos - just waiting on the nod to use their brand name in a team title.

It's nothing major and I'm probably taking it more seriously than I should, but - in the world of Esports especially - these things matter to me, so I felt like writing about it this morning. Have a good one.


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2019 - 2024

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